Importance of the implementation of the breast milk banc




breastfeeding, breast milk bank, neonate


PROBLEM: The inadequate implementation of breast milk banks in the country is a critical issue that deserves attention, despite the unimaginable benefits that breastfeeding offers to improve the development and health of newborns, the lack of a network of banks of milk, has left many babies in disadvantaged situations, so it is necessary to know the importance of milk banks. OBJECTIVE: Describe the importance of the implementation of the breast milk bank. METHOD: A descriptive study based on scientific knowledge on the importance of breastfeeding was developed, thus highlighting the existence of breast milk banks. RESULTS: Breast milk supplied to newborns through milk banks reduced the risk of short- and long-term complications and shortened the length of hospitalization. CONCLUSION: The importance of implementing a breast milk bank is essential to ensure the well-being and health of the newborn in situations where natural breastfeeding is not possible. Reduces the morbidity and mortality of hospitalized premature newborns, improves their growth and development through feeding with breast milk supplied by milk banks.


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Author Biography

Vivian Melissa Aquino Castillo , Sanatorium "El Roble Jutiapa"

Estudio la carrera de Medico y Cirujano en la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala sede Centro Universitario de Oriente, Médica Interna en Hospital Nacional de Jalapa, Jalapa, Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Aquino Castillo , V. M. (2024). Importance of the implementation of the breast milk banc. Revista De Postgrados De Medicina, 3(1), 48–60.



