Use of autologous fat grafts in aesthetic and reconstructive facial plastic surgery




lipoinjection, autologous, hematoma, ecchymosis, edema


OBJECTIVE: describe the use of autologous fat grafts in aesthetic and reconstructive facial plastic surgery. METHOD: a thorough literature review was performed based on meta-analyses, medical articles, and previous studies. RESULTS: Used since the 20th century, they consist of the extraction of adipose tissue from a specific area of ​​the body and its transfer to a facial area of ​​the same individual. In the past, considered controversial, due to the reabsorption of the material. At present, its useful life has been optimized, obtaining lasting results in various pathologies. CONCLUSIONS: its use is highly successful due to the technological advance that is currently possessed. Its application is extensive, being effective in correcting facial deformities or asymmetries. The stages of the surgical procedure consist of preoperative evaluation, fat extraction, fat processing, design realization, lipoinfiltration and modeling. The most frequent facial areas used for its application are the cheeks, the nasolabial folds, the chin, the jaw, and the upper and lower lip. The most frequent complications are immediate to the intervention, such as the presence of bruises and ecchymosis, and severe facial edema.


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Author Biography

Sergio René Ramos Cardona, University of San Carlos of Guatemala

Estudió la carrera Médico y Cirujano en el nivel de licenciatura en la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Centro Universitario de Oriente. Se graduó en nivel medio de Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras en Liceo la Salle.


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How to Cite

Ramos Cardona, S. R. (2024). Use of autologous fat grafts in aesthetic and reconstructive facial plastic surgery. Revista De Postgrados De Medicina, 3(1), 35–47.