Masurement of The Radio sFIt/PIGF test as a predicotr of preeclampsia


  • Laura Nineth Leiva Madrid "Chiquimula Medical Center"



preeclampsia, sFIt/PIGF ratio, angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors, morbidity and mortality


Preeclampsia is part of the of the group of hypertensive disorders that develop during pregnancy and is attributed as the second cause of maternal death around the world and is also responsible for high rates of maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality. OBJETIVE: To describe the measurement method of the sFIt/PIGF radio test as a predictor of preeclampsia. METHOD: Compilation of information supported by the Pub-Med database, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brazilian Journal of Hearth Review, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, using the measurement of the radius test sFIt/PIGF as a predictor of preeclampsia in pregnant women with risk factors. RESULTS: The importance of exploring new forms of early diagnosis and early treatment of this pathology has become more important in recent years, especially in pregnant women with risk factors that predispose them to its development. Varius studies have managed to establish how the application of the measurement of the sFIt/PIGF ratio test maternal serum in the third trimester establishes a direct relationship between the concentration of angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors in pregnant women and therefore the risk of developing preeclampsia even weeks before this pathology becomes clinically detectable. Taking as a cut-off point a value of 85pg and 110pg, in early or late preeclampsia respectively, to improve the devopment of pregnancy and predict negative autcomes, improving the maternal-fetal prognosis. CONCLUSION: The measurement of the sFIt/PIGF ratio test has proven to be effective in predicting the development of early and late preeclampsia, providing an early approach to the development of this disease even before it manifests clinically.


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Author Biography

Laura Nineth Leiva Madrid , "Chiquimula Medical Center"

De nacionalidad guatemalteca, formación académica de medicina general, realizada en la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC- extensión Centro Universitario de Oriente -CUNORI-. Actualmente cuenta con cierre de pensum de la carrera de Médico y Cirujano. Dentro de la Carrera de medicina la investigación es de vital importancia para la buena formación profesional y poder generar conocimiento para beneficio propio y de la población. Ha participado en investigaciones a nivel pregrado en las diferentes áreas de medicina.


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How to Cite

Leiva Madrid , L. N. (2024). Masurement of The Radio sFIt/PIGF test as a predicotr of preeclampsia. Revista De Postgrados De Medicina, 3(1), 23–34.



