Tenecteplase as a thrombolytic treatment: effectiveness and safety





tenecteplase, effectiveness, thrombolytic


PROBLEM: Thrombotic events occur due to the interaction of various factors that lead to a hemostatic imbalance, resulting in a prothrombotic state, with subsequent obstruction of blood flow, causing ischemia of the affected tissues. Tenecteplase is a thrombolytic drug that is booming and has begun to be implemented in Guatemala, so it is important to know what is its effectiveness? OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of Tenecteplasa. METHOD: A descriptive study was carried out based on a systematic review of different medical sources including the most up-to-date information. RESULTS: Tenecteplase is effective as a thrombolytic treatment in acute myocardial infarction, preventing 30 premature deaths per 1,000 patients, reducing the 30-day mortality rate to 5%; in ischemic cerebrovascular event it achieves complete reperfusion of 71% and partial reperfusion of 80%, reaching a survival without disability of 57.9%; in pulmonary thromboembolism the risk of hemodynamic decompensation decreases to 2.6%, with a mortality rate of 1.2%. CONCLUSION: Tenecteplase is effective as a thrombolytic treatment in the main thrombotic events, reducing mortality and achieving better recovery rates with a lower percentage of sequelae.


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Author Biography

María Elisa Villeda Rodríguez, University of San Carlos of Guatemala

Cierre de pénsum de la carrera Médico y Cirujano, en el Centro Universitario de Oriente, de la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. Participación durante pregrado en múltiples investigaciones como “Caracterización epidemiológica de Infección Respiratoria Aguda pediátrica en Hospital Regional de Zacapa”, “Caracterización clínica y epidemiológica de los pacientes pediátricos ingresados por COVID-19 en el Hospital Regional de Zacapa”, entre otras.


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How to Cite

Villeda Rodríguez, M. E. (2023). Tenecteplase as a thrombolytic treatment: effectiveness and safety. Revista De Postgrados De Medicina, 2(2), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.62267/rev.post.med.v2i2.19



